To be placed on our Reservation lists we ask that you please fill out an application (located on our website) and pay a $500 non-refundable Reservation Fee. This fee is considered an admin fee for screening families, emails, phone calls and essentially our time. It is non-refundable but will always go towards your puppy purchase price. Your reservation fee is my way of reserving a spot for you on the list and will be applied to total cost of puppy. I work very closely with each of my families to help them pick their best suited puppy based on the energy level, personality, temperament and coat type you're looking for.
Puppy picks are done at 6-7 weeks old. We do this after we have completed the Puppy Temperament Evaluations of each puppy in the litter.
We reserve the right to refuse sale of our puppies to anyone at anytime for any reason we seem fit.
Puppy prices are locked in for a time period of 1 year, after that they are subject to increasing. This also pertains to families already on the waitlist.
Reservation fees are transferable to other litters for up to 1 year, however, all Reservation fees are non refundable.